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New arrival

Halloween Houseplants

Ever thought of using Halloween House plants as the natural way to decorate your house for All Hallows Eve?
Set the mood using gothic foliage with blood-red swirls. Create a hauntingly beautiful display and have some skeli-fun.


A beautiful mottled and spotted spiral leaved Begonia.
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Black Knight

Dramatic and beautiful foliage
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Dark Eyes

Strongly contrasting colours, white-silver to burgundy-plum on the foliage makes a real impact;
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Silver Spirit

A beautiful mottled and spotted spiral leaved Begonia.
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Large Foliage Begonias - Dibleys


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Strongly contrasting colours, white-silver to burgundy-plum on the foliage makes a real impact;
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Potted plants through the post

Our houseplants make a wonderful gift for a friend - or for yourself!

The plants are very well packaged. Flowering potted plants are despatched in bud (open flowers bruise too easily in the post) and will be in full colour within 2-3 weeks.